RETRANSMISSION: Beyond Lithium Discovers New Spodumene Bearing Pegmatite Zone at Ear Falls Project in Northwest Ontario


  • New spodumene bearing pegmatites zone discovered at the Ear Falls Project with grab samples up to 4.54% Li2O. 
  • Favorable geology and a highly fractionated sample located 2 km northeast of the new discovery spodumene zone suggest the potential for a minimum 3-km-long trend for exploration of spodumene bearing pegmatites. 
  • The discovered spodumene-bearing pegmatites are located along a structurally controlled zone of 1 km in strike length, open in all directions. 
  • Exploration plan has been submitted to Ontario’s Ministry of Mines for a stripping and a drilling program in October. 
  • Ear Falls Project was expanded from 3,375 ha to 20,623 ha (~600% expansion) upon the successful discovery of the new spodumene bearing pegmatites zone for a cash cost per hectare of only $7.98. 
  • The eastern expansion of the project provides a new exploration opportunity to search for a potentially identical geological system.

Winnipeg, Manitoba–(Newsfile Corp. – September 18, 2023) – Beyond Lithium Inc. CSE: BY OTCQB: BYDMF (the “Company” or “Beyond Lithium“) is pleased to announce the discovery of a new spodumene-bearing pegmatite zone at its 206 sq. km Ear Falls Project in Northwest Ontario. Grab samples have assayed up to 4.54% Li2O and a minimum 3-km-long prospective trend has been identified. A highly fractionated sample located 2 km northeast of the spodumene pegmatite zone establishes a minimum of 3 km long trend for spodumene bearing pegmatites exploration.

Upon making this new discovery, Beyond Lithium strategically expanded the Ear Falls Project from 3,375 ha to 20,623 ha (~600% expansion) in area (Figure 1).

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Figure 1. Ear Falls Project Expanded Claims Map

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The Ear Falls Project, previously referred to as the Wenasaga Property, is located right outside the town of Ear Falls, 70 km south of Red Lake and 145 km north of Dryden in Northwest Ontario. Ear Falls has excellent infrastructure including highway and logging road access, power lines, services, and local labour.

Mr. Lawrence Tsang, VP Exploration for Beyond Lithium commented: “This spodumene discovery is significant as it occurs within a 13-km-long metasedimentary-granite structural corridor where there’s opportunity for more discoveries as we ramp up exploration. We are targeting subparallel spodumene pegmatite dykes along the main metasedimentary-batholith structure and the major regional fault. Exploration on the eastern expansion of the project also provides an opportunity to search for a potentially identical geological system.”

Mr. Tsang added that “Exploration at the Ear Falls Project is ongoing, and we have already submitted an exploration plan with Ontario’s Ministry of Mines to carry out a stripping and a drilling program to further delineate the spodumene pegmatites zone. The stripping and drilling program is targeted to commence in October.”

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Figure 2. Overview Exploration Trend at the Ear Falls Project Showing the 3 km trend of Spodumene/Beryl Zone (black arrow) and a 13 km long Metasedimentary-Granite Structural Corridor (red polygon outline) and a Potential Subparallel Structure (blue polygon outline)

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Allan Frame, President & CEO, commented that “This exciting news supports that new discoveries are possible outside of the remote regions of northern Quebec and Ontario. With just three months into our 2023 exploration program trying to cover all 64 projects with over 150,000 ha in area, Beyond Lithium has made two major discoveries in Ontario: the Allen Graeme pluton at Cosgrave and this new high grade spodumene bearing pegmatites zone at the Ear Falls Project. This early success shows the effectiveness of our exploration program. Many assay results remain to be received and announced and we are confident in delivering additional positive results before the end of the year.”

Mr. Frame added: “In a recent news release I mentioned that it is important for our shareholders to keep in mind that while we are as anxious as they are to share all assay results as they come in, it is sometimes a better course of action to first consolidate our land position either through staking, optioning or both in certain districts. I am proud to report that this approach has allowed us to acquire 17,233 additional hectares around the discovery announced today at an average cash cost of $7.98 per hectare and the issuance of only 300,000 shares.”

The finding of the spodumene pegmatites zone by Beyond Lithium at the Ear Falls project is a brand-new discovery in this region. Beyond Lithium recognized the potential of this area and was able to stake most of the prospective open grounds around the original claims and consolidated additional claims from a few prospectors to assemble a contiguous project of 20,623 ha in area.

The expansion has delineated two high priority areas for exploration associated with the labels in Figure 3 below:

1- Explore along the main metasedimentary-batholith structure and the major regional fault and look for subparallel spodumene pegmatite dykes.

2- Explore for additional prospective structure along the newly mapped metasedimentary-batholith in the northwest and look for additional spodumene pegmatite dykes.

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Figure 3. Overview of the High Priority Areas for Exploration at the Ear Falls Project

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Background of the spodumene discovery

The Phase 1 exploration program at the Ear Falls Project was completed in June. We have since updated the geology of the project and more significantly located the batholith-metasedimentary contact within the project as this contact is probably the preferential structure for LCT pegmatites (Figure 4). After discovering the spodumene pegmatites zone, Beyond Lithium’s field team further explored along this metasedimentary-batholith contact and was able to locate three new beryl bearing pegmatites (Figure 4).

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Figure 4. Phase 1 Mapping of the Ear Falls Project with the Spodumene Pegmatites Zone and the 3 New Beryl Pegmatites Discovered Along the Metasedimentary and the Granite Contact

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Subparallel spodumene bearing pegmatites along a minimum of 1 km strike length were discovered along the main logging road of the Ear Falls Project up to 6 meters wide in exposed outcrops (Figure 6). The spodumene pegmatites are hosted in both granite and metasediment trending generally at 40 to 60 degrees following the regional foliation with local variabilities. These spodumene pegmatites are covered by a thin layer of vegetation. A follow-up stripping program has been planned to include the removal of the overburden to further outline the true thickness and the density of these spodumene pegmatites.

Sampling and assay results

A total of 205 individual pegmatite outcrops have now been mapped along the main structural corridor to date illustrated as blue dots in Figure 8 and we have collected 68 samples at the project. So far, 48 of the samples have received assays. From the 48 assays, four samples were taken from the spodumene pegmatites zone with Li2O ranging from 0.76% to 4.54% and cesium ranging from 32.83 ppm to 68.97 ppm (Table 1). More samplings including channel sampling are planned on the beryl and the spodumene pegmatites by the end of September to early October to further outline the lithium bearing zone.

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Figure 5. Spodumene Crystals in Pegmatite

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Sample ID Easting Northing Lithology QTZ KSPAR MUS BIO GARNET TOUR BERYL SPOD Cs ppm Li2O %
E00105585 483944 5620144 PEG 1 1 68.97 0.76
E00105886 483770 5620063 PEG 1 1 1 1 1 52.24 2.28
E00105887 483743 5620021 PEG 1 1 1 1 1 37.76 4.54
E00105892 483340 5619761 PEG 1 1 1 1 1 32.83 3.90
* Li2O%=Li ppm*2.153/10,000


Table 1 Assays Results of the 4 Grab Samples from the Spodumene Pegmatites Zone

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Figure 6. Assays of Spodumene Pegmatites Zone

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A couple of samples, E00105586 and E00105888, were collected just meters away from the spodumene pegmatites in the granite and metasediment host rocks. These two samples in the host rocks show significantly elevated Cs, 134 ppm and 636 ppm, and Li ,408 ppm and 1407 ppm, respectively (Table 2). In addition, the Cs values in the host rock or the alteration halo of the spodumene mineralization (134 and 636ppm Cs) are much higher than the Wenasaga Lake batholith (average of 7ppm Cs) implies the melt is highly enriched in incompatible rare elements and volatiles for the formation of lithium bearing pegmatites which has gone through a high level of fractionation (Breaks 2003) (Figure 7). This geochem baseline in the host rock with elevated Cs and Li could be the alteration halo signature of the spodumene pegmatites at the Ear Falls Project. This signature would be a great exploration tool for exploring blind target in the area.

Sample ID Easting Northing Lithology Cs ppm Li ppm
E00105586 483944 5620144 GRA 134 408
E00105888 483741 5620022 MSED 636 1407

Table 2 Assays Results of Grab Samples from Host Rocks of the Spodumene Pegmatites Zone

Geological interpretation

Cesium versus K/Rb variation in samples is a common and convenient diagram to display the fractionation trend or the relative degree of evolution of S-type, peraluminous granites and related pegmatite granites and the rare-element pegmatite groups that fractionated from the parent granitic rocks. With increasing fractionation of the pegmatite-forming melt, the compositions of the potassium feldspar and mica become more enriched in rubidium and cesium thus the fractionation trend point to the lower right corner in the plot as the higher fractionated area. By plotting up the K/Rb vs Cs values of the 48 completed assays, a distinctive fractionation trend progresses from the SW to the NE orientation with an increase in Cs and a decrease in K/Rb ratio (Figure 7). One sample, E00105574, is plotted in the higher fractionated quadrant of the plot and this sample is located 2 km northeast on trend of the spodumene zone (Figures 2 & 3).

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Figure 7. K/Rb vs Cs Plot of Ear Falls Project Compared to the Wenasaga Lake Batholith & Fractionation Trend with the Higher Fractionated Sample located 2 km NE of the Spodumene Pegmatites Zone

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Regional geological context

The Ontario Geological Survey’s released collected data in 2002 and outlined a couple of 1.1% and 1.2% A/CNK ratio samples in the eastern expansion of the Ear Falls project which suggested the presence of a nearby fertile pluton (Tindle 2002). Based on LCT pegmatites literature, a molecular ratio [Al2O3/(CaO + Na2O + K2O)] is commonly used to indicate whether a sample or a stock/pluton is mildly peraluminous (A/CNK = 1.0 to 1.1) or strongly peraluminous (A/CNK > 1.2) (Tindle 2006). These mildly to strongly peraluminous A/CNK samples also coincide with an area of elevated deep lake sediment in lithium just situated northeast from the Ear Falls project (Figure 8). This eastern expansion could be a new area to explore for a separate system than the new spodumene pegmatites zone associated with the Wenasaga Lake batholith and the Sandy Creek beryl pegmatites group.

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Figure 8. Brand New Exploration Target in the Eastern Area of the Expanded Ear Falls Project with >1% A/CNK and Elevated Lake Sediment in Lithium

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Beyond Lithium acknowledges the effort and work preformed by the project vendors, Bounty Gold Corp and Last Resort Resources, that led to the first discovery of its kind around the fertile Wenasaga Lake batholith and provides a proof of concept for the methodology used to assemble for the 64 prospective projects. Notably, Beyond Lithium’s Ogani Lake Project is located just 30 km northeast of the Ear Falls Project and 65 km west of Green Technology Metals’ ASX: GT1 Root and McCombe Lithium deposits. The Ogani Lake Project was also recently expanded from 1,427 hectares to 5,177 hectares after beryl was found in several white tourmaline-muscovite pegmatites up to 10 meters wide during Beyond Lithium’s phase 1 program (Figure 9).

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Figure 9. Beyond Lithium’s Projects in the Area of the North Caribou Terrane & English River Subprovince District in Relation to the Green Technologies Metals’ ASX: GT1 Root-McComb Lithium Deposits

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Regionally, the Wenasaga Lake batholith was described as a S-type fertile pluton which is likely the parental pluton of the Sandy Creek beryl pegmatites. The Sandy Creek beryl bearing pegmatites that were discovered in the early 1960s are located 7 km southwest of the new spodumene pegmatites zone (Breaks 1993). Very limited to no exploration work was done in the area since the discovery of the Sandy Creek beryl pegmatites for over 60 years. Beyond Lithium recognized this area to be favourable for LCT pegmatites because there are a well-established Wenasaga Lake batholith as the potential source of LCT pegmatites of the area and the higher fractionated Sandy Creek beryl occurrence in the area that led Beyond Lithium’s field crew discovering the new spodumene pegmatites zone.

Based on the geochem plot of the 2023’s collected samples in comparison with the batholith and the Sandy Creek beryl pegmatites (Figure 7), the Wenasaga Lake batholith is likely the parental pluton of the new spodumene bearing pegmatites zone. The batholith was mapped concordant to the Uchi-English River sub provincial boundary covering approximately 260km2 in area (Breaks 2003). The Sandy Creek beryl bearing pegmatites were noted to follow this regional foliation orientation of the host metasedimentary rock (Breaks 1993). This regional NE structure is an ideal host and fluid pathway for the formation and fractionation of LCT pegmatites as most LCT pegmatites deposits in the world have some sort of structural control for its formation (Bradley 2017).


1 Breaks, F.W. and Bond, W.D., 1993. The English River Subprovince – An Archean Gneiss Belt: Geology, Geochemistry and associated mineralization; Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report 5846, v.1, p.1-483, 884p.

2 Breaks, F.W., Selway, J.B. and Tindle, A.G. 2003. Fertile peraluminous granites and related rare-element mineralization in pegmatites, Superior Province, northwest and northeast Ontario: Operation Treasure Hunt; Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report 6099, 179p.

3 Tindle, A.G., Selway, J.B. and Breaks, F.W. 2002. Electron microprobe and bulk analyses of fertile peraluminous granites and related rare-element pegmatites, Superior Province, northwest and northeast Ontario: Operation Treasure Hunt; Ontario Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Release-Data 111

4 Tindle, A.G., Selway, J.B. and Breaks, F.W. 2006. Electron microprobe and bulk rock and mineral compositions of barren and fertile peraluminous granitic rocks and rare-element pegmatites, northcentral and northeastern Superior Province of Ontario; Ontario Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Release-Data 210.

5 Bradley, D.C., McCauley, A.D., and Stillings, L.M., 2017, Mineral-deposit model for lithium-cesium-tantalum pegmatites: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2010-5070-O, 48 p.,

6 Breaks, F.W. and Bond, W.D., 1993. The English River Subprovince – An Archean Gneiss Belt: Geology, Geochemistry and associated mineralization; Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report 5846, v.1, p.1-483, 884p.

6 Green Technology Metals ASX: GT1

Quality Assurance/Quality Control

All collected rock samples were put in sturdy plastic bags, tagged, and sealed at site. Sample bags were then put in rice bags and kept securely before being sent by road transport or delivered by the crew supervisor to SGS’s preparation facility in Red Lake or Sudbury, Ontario, for sample preparation. Pulps are analyzed at the SGS facility in Burnaby, BC. All samples are analyzed with Four-Acid Digestion/Combined ICP-AES/MS package (49 elements). Samples with lithium overlimit (>10,000 ppm Li) are analyzed with another Four-Acid Digestion with higher detection limit of up to 10% Li. Batches of samples with overlimit >10,000 ppm or 1% Li are analyzed with Sodium Peroxide Fusion for validation. The QA/QC protocol included the insertion and monitoring of appropriate reference materials, in this case high concentration and low concentration certified OREAS and CDN lithium standards to validate the accuracy and precision of the assay results.

Qualified Person and Third-Party Data

The scientific and technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Lawrence Tsang, P.Geo., VP Exploration of the Company. Lawrence Tsang is a “qualified person” as defined in National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

About Beyond Lithium Inc.

Beyond Lithium Inc. is the largest greenfield lithium exploration player in Ontario with 64 high potential greenfield lithium properties totalling over 150,000 hectares. The Company has adopted the project generator business model to maximize funds available for exploration projects, while minimizing shareholder dilution. Beyond Lithium is advancing certain of its projects with its exploration team and will seek to option other properties to joint venture partners. Partnering on various projects will provide a source of non-dilutive working capital, partner-funded exploration, and long-term residual exposure to exploration success.

Beyond Lithium currently has 28,259,658 common shares outstanding.
Please follow @BeyondLithium on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube.

For more information, please refer to the Company’s website at

CAUTIONARY STATEMENT REGARDING FORWARD-LOOKING INFORMATION: This news release includes certain “forward-looking information” within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein including, without limitation, statements regarding future capital expenditures, anticipated content, commencement, and cost of exploration programs in respect of the Company’s projects and mineral properties, anticipated exploration program results from exploration activities, resources and/or reserves on the Company’s projects and mineral properties, and the anticipated business plans and timing of future activities of the Company, are forward-looking information. Although the Company believes that such statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Often, but not always, forward-looking information can be identified by words such as “pro forma”, “plans”, “expects”, “will”, “may”, “should”, “budget”, “scheduled”, “estimates”, “forecasts”, “intends”, “anticipates”, “believes”, “potential” or variations of such words including negative variations thereof, and phrases that refer to certain actions, events or results that may, could, would, might or will occur or be taken or achieved. In stating the forward-looking information in this news release, the Company has applied several material assumptions, including without limitation, that market fundamentals will result in sustained precious and base metals demand and prices, the receipt of any necessary permits, licenses and regulatory approvals in connection with the future exploration of the Company’s properties, the availability of financing on suitable terms, and the Company’s ability to comply with environmental, health and safety laws.

Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to differ materially from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the statements of forward-looking information. Such risks and other factors include, among others, statements as to the anticipated business plans and timing of future activities of the Company, the proposed expenditures for exploration work on its properties, the ability of the Company to obtain sufficient financing to fund its business activities and plans, delays in obtaining governmental and regulatory approvals (including of the Canadian Securities Exchange), permits or financing, changes in laws, regulations and policies affecting mining operations, risks relating to epidemics or pandemics such as COVID-19, the Company’s limited operating history, currency fluctuations, title disputes or claims, environmental issues and liabilities, as well as those factors discussed under the heading “Risk Factors” in the Company’s prospectus dated February 23, 2022 and other filings of the Company with the Canadian securities regulatory authorities, copies of which can be found under the Company’s profile on the SEDAR website at

Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any of the forward-looking information in this news release except as otherwise required by law.

For further information, please contact:

Allan Frame
President and CEO
Tel: 403-470-8450

Jason Frame
Manager of Communications
Tel: 587-225-2599

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437 RETRANSMISSION: Beyond Lithium Discovers New Spodumene Bearing Pegmatite Zone at Ear Falls Project in Northwest Ontario